This is just the saddest. Shiloh Pepin, who was born with a rare condition often called "mermaid syndrome," swam off to the big ocean in the sky yesterday afternoon. Shiloh was only 10 years-old.
The Associated Press says Shiloh checked into the Maine Medical Center last week and was hospitalized in critical condition.
Shiloh was born with both of her legs fused together. Shiloh had no colon or genital organs, and only one partially working kidney. Usually, children born with sirenomelia get their legs surgically separated, but Shiloh never did because blood vessels in her circulatory system would have been cut.
Shiloh appeared on Oprah just last month where she talked openly about her condition. Shiloh even threw Oprah a few "O, please" faces whenever she was asked some dumb questions. Those of you that have seen the documentaries about her on the Discovery know that she really loved life and didn't take any shit.
May Shiloh rest in peace.
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